
Transmitting Science course: Care and Management of Natural History Collections

November 14, 2016

Transmitting Science offers a wide range of courses related to the life sciences, which includes natura history science topics. They are predominantly held in Barcelona, Spain.

The course that is offered here will instruct participants on how to care and manage natural history collections – including botany, geosciences, and zoology – in a better way. This mainly refers to the storage environment of collections, but the course also deals with the identification and selection of inert materials, testing locally available materials, adapting collections care standards to particular environmental conditions. Moreover, devising good policies and collections planning is part of the collections management curriculum.

The method that is used to teach in centered around an approach in which collection material and preparation type – dry preparations, wet preparations, and documentation (incl. paper-based and electronic media) – are central. The course will benefit individuals who already have experience in caring for natural history collections, as well as those who intend to work with natural history collections. Applicants who have followed past courses of the Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST) will get a 20% discount on courses of Transmitting Science.

Please click here for more information on this course.






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