CETAF is more than a network of members: we are the hub for Europe’s community of experts on taxonomic sciences. To spark ideas for groundbreaking initiatives in our field, we provide a forum for exchange and dialogue.
These collaborative projects can be driven by individual institutions or groups within the network that form around particular needs or objectives. They can also be catalysed by calls for European funding. CETAF facilitates the development of European-funded projects that are coordinated by CETAF member institutions, or by CETAF itself. Partners in European projects can be other CETAF members or non-member institutions. Many CETAF initiatives started life thanks to European funding and grew to become established reference points within our community.
These collaborative projects can be driven by individual institutions or groups within the network that form around particular needs or objectives. They can also be catalysed by calls for European funding. CETAF facilitates the development of European-funded projects that are coordinated by CETAF member institutions, or by CETAF itself. Partners in European projects can be other CETAF members or non-member institutions. Many CETAF initiatives started life thanks to European funding and grew to become established reference points within our community.
COVID19-TAF - Communities Taking Action
COVID19-TAF is a community-rooted initiative in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It brings together researchers from collections-linked organisations from all over the world to join forces on a science-led response to the pandemic. The taskforce works to identify the areas and topics to which our community can most effectively contribute; as well as to anticipate and prevent the occurrence and propagation of future health crises. COVID-19-TAF is organised by CETAF and co-facilitated by DiSSCo.
European Journal of Taxonomy
The European Journal of Taxonomy (EJT) is a peer-reviewed international journal in descriptive taxonomy, covering the eukaryotic world. Its content is fully electronic and diamond open access: neither authors nor readers have to pay fees. It is published and funded by a consortium of CETAF European natural history institutions. All articles published in the EJT are compliant with the different nomenclatural codes. The EJT is an archived and indexed journal that welcomes scientific contributions from all over the world, both in content and authorship. EJT was based on the CETAF initiative EDIT, an EU-funded project.
Biological Collections Access Service for Europe (BioCASE) is a transnational network of biological collections of all kinds. BioCASE enables widespread unified access to distributed and heterogeneous European collection and observational databases using open-source, system-independent software and open data standards and protocols. It is also the CETAF node for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
The Geoscience Collections Access Service is a data network and web portal designed to make collections of minerals, rocks, meteorites and fossils universally available online. Data provided by individual museums and research institutions are “harvested”, stored and made easily accessible and searchable from a single user interface. GeoCASe aims to become the Earth Science counterpart of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and is a collaborative effort of the CETAF Earth Sciences Group.
The latest news
European Journal of Taxonomy launches GBIF-hosted portal
Launch of first scientific journal portal marks expansion of hosted portals progra...
CETAF to Join BlueSky and Leave X
Open, constructive and transparent dialogue requires a discussion platform where s...