Organiser: CETAF
CETAF 40 General Assembly – Madrid, Spain
The 40th CETAF General Meeting will take place on the 18th-19th October 201...
Why Do Natural History Collections Matter? – CETAF 20th Anniversary
On the 20 October 2016, CETAF invites researchers, scientific communic...
ABS workshop by the CETAF Legislation and Regulations Group
The CETAF Legislation and Regulations Group, which has just released a 74-pages Co...
CETAF 39 (General Meeting) in Budapest
CETAF39 will be hosted by the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Budapest&nb...
CETAF Earth Sciences Group Meeting
To be held at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (on the 16-18...
CETAF37 General Meeting
The Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities is preparing its Next General Asse...
EU BON and CETAF joint informatics workshop
EU BON and CETAF joint informatics workshop Purpose of this meeting is to launch s...
CETAF 38 – Geneva, Switzerland
CETAF 38 is soon going to be upon us. Save the date! &n...
CETAF 36 General Meeting in Vienna
More information coming soon.