RDA’s 14th Plenary
RDA 14th Plenary in Finland brings together data experts in research, industry and...
CETAF Event with Calendar
RDA 14th Plenary in Finland brings together data experts in research, industry and...
The 11th Biennial European Bird Curator Meeting will take place from 24 – 26...
Open Science is a new research paradigm facing many challenges, mainly the ...
A three day event completely dedicated to research and innovation will take...
The BIOTALENT EU Conference will be take place at the Royal Belgian Institute of N...
Relevance: This conference stems from the observation that the interactions...
The 3rd Wild Plant Pathosystems Conference will take place on 16 September ...
eInfraCentral invites researchers from public and private sectors, e-infras...
Research Infrastructures (such as ESFRI’s) are characterized by the very signifi...
The ENVRI Dissemination event aims to promote the ENVRIplus results,...