
CEEweb for Biodiversity : “Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals in a changing climate“

October 16, 2015

On 16 th of October, CEEweb for Biodiversity is organising the international conference “Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals in a changing climate“.

Together with its partners: EEB, HAND, NSC – FoE Hungary, Climate Alliance Hungary and the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary within the framework of the European Year for Development. EYD

In September the SDGs will be adopted by the UN GA, which will outline future development tasks for the global North and South alike. The adoption of the SDGs will precede another important milestone though, the Paris climate conference in December, which will be equally important for securing future wellbeing of the people and the planet. The international conference will focus on the complex nexus of climate change and other global challenges, such as poverty alleviation, access to modern energy, reducing inequality, and sustainable consumption and production patterns.

While there are numerous targeted actions and policy processes to address these problems, their effectiveness might be compromised by the complicated effects of other problem areas. Thus it is essential to synthesise the current knowledge, identify linkages and shortcomings and come up with effective solutions for the implementation. The conference will provide the opportunity to think out of the box and look out for synergies on how to address these interconnected challenges in Europe also with a view to the global South.

The main aim is that participants point out strategic tools for the implementation and possible solutions with mutual benefits for the various SDGs. The discussions are expected to inspire coordinated future action by governments and NGOs in the run up to the Paris negotiations and in the long term implementation. The international conference also builds on the results of the preceding national conference taking place on 15 October, which focuses on Hungary’s tasks on tackling the climate challenge.


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