
5th International Conference on Biodiversity – Madrid, Spain

March 10, 2016
Biodiversity - Madrid 3

OMICS International Conferences invites participants from all over the world to attend its ‘5th International Conference on Biodiversity’ during March 10-12, 2016 in Madrid, Spain.

Biodiversity 2016 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Ecology and its associated fields, Evolution of Species, Plant & Animal Biodiversity, Biodiversity Management, Fauna & Flora, Biodiversity & Food Security, Conservation of Endangered Species, Marine Biodiversity, Forestry and Sustainable Energy Development.

The event will be divided into 11 different “tracks”:

Track 1: Biodiversity

Track 2: Conservation

Track 3: Endangered Species

Track 4: Global Warming

Track 5: Threats to Biodiversity

Track 6: Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Track 7: Biodiversity and Sustainable Development

Track 8: Biodiversity Models and Conservation Methods

Track 9: Forestry

Track 10: Biodiversity and Food Security

Track 11: Biodiversity Market

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