CETAF Principles
Statutes and bylaws
The Bylaws are based on CETAF's Statutes, and constitute our Consortium's standing orders. They are the internal rules and guidelines that provide further guidance for the operation and management of the Consortium. provide a framework for its operation and management.
CETAF Reports
CETAF Annual Reports and 10-year Report
CETAF published a 10-year Report in 2024, a publication to celebrate the decade 2013-2023.
Starting in 2023, CETAF publishes an Annual Report.
Download the Reports by clicking on the links below.
CETAF Latest Executive Reports
The latest news
Meet the Libroscope: a new vision for ‘liberating’ data from biodiversity publications
CETAF signed the roadmap which will give scientific research a boost in terms of k...
Major project launched: improving climate models with historical data
Learning from the past to understand the future: this is the PAST TO FUTURE projec...
The Cali fund is on
After two years from its invention, the Multilateral Mechanism is ready to be oper...