SciLifeLab Workshop: Biodiversity and Evolution
This is the second SciLifeLab workshop on Biodiversity and Evolution and th...
This is the second SciLifeLab workshop on Biodiversity and Evolution and th...
5-7 May 2015 – Mexico City, Mexico Organised by the Secretariat of th...
Since 2013, The Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), or more accurately its Fed...
The biggest ICT event in the EU calendar is back!
...The Linnean Society of London organises an Evening Meeting on Plant Conserv...
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) will hold its 2015 annual confere...
2015 call for proposals – Individual Fellowships Tuesday 2 June 2015,...
The Scientific Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that the 6th Internatio...
Together with the European Commission and under the auspices of the Latvian Presid...
The 7th meeting of GBIF European nodes is organized by GBIF France and host...