
International Conference on Nature-Based Solutions

May 18, 2015
ALTER-Net Conference Nature Urban Wellbeing

Together with the European Commission and under the auspices of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, ALTER-Net is pleased to host an international conference on Nature-Based Solutions. Relevant to research in many disciplines and communities, to EU policies and to practitioners, ‘Nature and Urban Wellbeing’ offers rich possibilities to share, learn and connect.

Why Nature-Based Solutions?

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is a rapidly emerging concept covering a range of approaches which use natural processes and species to address societal challenges. Of particular interest are solutions to problems of ecological quality and human health and wellbeing in urban environments – and their rural hinterlands – as well as reducing their global footprints.

Some solutions have existed for a long time, yet there is a growing need for innovative Nature-Based Solutions and for development in deploying and upscaling existing efforts. Such solutions are key to more sustainable and prosperous societies, and are attracting the interest of researchers, developers, governments, businesses and citizens.

Conference aims

This interdisciplinary conference will address key scientific and applied questions, discuss underpinning information, provide new perspectives and develop partnerships. It will:

  • Provide a forum for dialogue across fields of research, policy and practice engaged in nature and urban wellbeing
  • Evaluate conditions and options for upscaling Nature-Based Solutions
  • Build on previous work, knowledge and experience to develop innovations in Nature-Based Solutions.

Registration: from 1 March until 30 April 2015.

Abstract submission for presentations and sessions: by 25 February 2015

More information on the ALTER-Net website.


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