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The first Taxonomy Recognition Day hits 10 European Countries
May 24, 2024Scientists, policy-makers, journalists and students gathered in RBINS to attend the CETAF-coordinated event
The first Taxonomy Recognition Day is underway!
May 22, 202411 European States at the same time are involved in this event to engage with policy-makers and raise awareness around Taxonomy
Nathan Vranken won the E-SCoRe Award
May 22, 2024His research on Chiclids of Lake Edward has been recognised for its importance
CETAF is looking for a Web Developer
April 11, 2024This is a full-time position for our headquarters in Brussels
The E-SCoRe is back! (for Early Careers Scientists)
March 21, 2024NEW DEADLINE! Apply before the 28th of April, 2024. Click here to find the form!
The “old” projects that help the future one
March 4, 2024DiSSCo will have some features coming from the old Synthesys and Icedig.