Since 2013, The Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), or more accurately its Federal North Sea Research Programme, organises an annual Scientific diving course. The course is developped and managed by representatives of the different universities and scientific institutions concerned by scientific diving activities as well as the managers of the Belgian research vessels “Belgica” and “Simon Stevin”.
The course is based on the guidelines of the European Marine Board Panel on scientific diving (ESDP). A call for participation is sent out to all potential interested parties around May. Participants who fulfil all requirements and have successfully followed the course will obtain the certificate of Belgian Scientific Diver (BSD) or Advanced Belgian Scientific Diver (ABSD). These certificates are fully equivalent to the European standards (ESD or AESD).
The call for the 2015 edition is now open. The training will be held from 13 to 25 September 2015 in Stareso, Corsica.
More info at