BioVeL: In Practice and in Future
This one-day event aims to share perspectives and efforts devoted to build a virtu...
CETAF Event with Calendar
This one-day event aims to share perspectives and efforts devoted to build a virtu...
Addressing the theme of Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability, Sc...
Biodiversity for Sustainable Development – To raise international awareness ...
The second Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation Meeting (PESC-2) for IPBES (Inter...
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity is a...
The aim of the conference is to develop forward-looking perspectives for the botan...
GBIF. Global Biodiversity Information Facility The Governing Board meeting, includ...
R is an open-source programming language and software environment for statistical ...
Approaching the subject from the perspective of the philosophical foundations of s...
Taxonomists need a common language worldwide. This is provided by the internationa...