Info day on RRI-SSH in H2020 Work Programmes 2016-17
An Info Day aims at informing potential applicants about the Responsible Re...
CETAF Event with Calendar
An Info Day aims at informing potential applicants about the Responsible Re...
The open e-IRG Workshop “The Buiding Blocks of the e-Infrastructure C...
Horizon2020 has been at the forefront as a major funder implementing Open Access p...
The Belgian NCPs are jointly organising an info session on the MSCA 2016 calls for...
On 28 October 2015, the Belspo National Contact Points and Enterprise Europ...
The CETAF Legislation and Regulations Group, which has just released a 74-pages Co...
CETAF39 will be hosted by the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Budapest&nb...
To be held at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (on the 16-18...
The 2016 GEO BON Open Science Conference: “Biodiversity and ecosystem Servic...
The 2016 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium follows the previous succes...