
Open e-IRG Workshop “The Buiding Blocks of the e-Infrastructure Commons”

November 24, 2015


The open e-IRG Workshop “The Buiding Blocks of the e-Infrastructure Commons” under the auspices of the Luxembourg EU Presidency of the European Union will take place on 24-25 November 2015.

The workshop and meetings will take place at :

Maison du Savoir (House of Knowledge)
University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval (3rd & 4th floor)
2, Avenue de l’Université,
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzett

e-IRG: The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group is a European self-regulated and independent body of national delegates and the European Commission. It was founded in 2003 and provides strategic advice and guidance on the development of a European e-Infrastructure for science and research. More information on:

The CETAF General Secretariat will attend this event. If you have any questions or remarks regarding our attendance, please do not hesitate to contact us :




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