
How Will Digital Sequence Information (DSI) Be Addressed Under the Convention on Bilogical Diversity

May 9, 2019


An Info Day on Digital Sequence Information (DSI) will be held on Thursday 9 May 2019, in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The objective of this ‘Digital Sequence Information’ (DSI) Info Day is to provide information on the state of play on DSI mainly in the CBD context. It will allow to discuss the key issues that need to be addressed, based on first-hand experience from researchers and the industry on how DSI is used.

As a result, key elements provided during the day that are useful for underpinning the Belgian negotiation position can be picked up. Also, it will encourage stakeholder organizations to provide input to the open CBD process on DSI.
The DSI Info Day will start with exposés from speakers covering different aspects on/of DSI. Dr. Hendrik Segers, Belgian Focal Point CBD, will do the general introduction. Speakers from policy, research and innovation (such as VIB, RBINS, CETAF, EBI, VLIZ) will take the floor and give information from different perspectives and angles. In the afternoon two break-out sessions will focus on “conceptual clarity (incl. a useable legal and operational definition)” on the one hand, and “Benefit Sharing Models” on the other.

RSVP (Registration) by Monday 29 April 2019.

This event is organised thanks to the joint effort of ANB (Flanders Agency Nature & Forests), the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, EWI(Flanders Department Economy, Science and Innovation), RBINS(Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) and VLIR(Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad).





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