
ESFRI RIs-EOSC liaison workshop

December 12, 2018


ESFRI will be organising a workshop on the connection of ESFRI Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in London on 30 January 2019.  

Following the award of a set of new projects under the related INFRAEOSC-04 call, the main objective of the workshop is to support the integration of ESFRI RIs in the EOSC ecosystem by
• updating participants with news from EOSC
• providing information around its infrastructures/services
• sharing plans of the new Cluster projects
• exchanging good practices and learning experiences from projects involved in the EOSC pilot
The workshop will be hosted by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI/STFC) at the London Royal Geographical Society, supported by the StR-ESFRI Project (Support to Reinforce ESFRI), in cooperation with ESFRI and the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation (Unit B4 – Research Infrastructure). 
The workshop is expected to start at 10am on 30th of January and end in the evening of the same day with a networking reception. Participation is by invitation only; each ESFRI project and Landmark will be guaranteed a place but additional places will depend on demand. 
You can register here.


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