BeGRID, the Belgian Grid for Research is organising an Infoday on Belgian e-Infrastructures.
E-Infrastructures in Belgium are available at federal or regional level: network, computing infrastructures. But what about the data?
Are researchers, research institutions and research projects aware of the existing e-infrastructures and services and their embedding in a larger European framework.
Are our Belgian e-infrastructures services an answer to the e-needs of Belgian researchers?
And what about the sustainability? Policy makers and funding agencies need to understand the requirements from e-infrastructure providers and users alike that a sustainable e-infrastructure environment is a must.
Organised in a collaboration between: Belspo, EWI, SPW, Belnet, CÈCI and VSC.
Where ? Koninklijke Bibliotheek – Bibliothéque Royale, Brussels (access plan)
When ? 14 December 2015
The program is available here and you can register for the day here.
The CETAF General Secretariat will attend this event. If you have any questions or remarks regarding our attendance, please do not hesitate to contact us :