
Data Use Workshop

September 20, 2018


Data Use Workshop

Two days discovering GBIF mediated data

As Belgian Node to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform organises a 2-day workshop on data use.

The event is primarily targeting students / young scientists in biology from all over the country. 

This data-use workshop will be an occasion to learn about the portal, open data principles, and some exciting data visualisation tools. You will also increase your skills in open biodiversity data and you will discover tools for data management and visualisation. You will also learn how to combine your research data with data made freely available by thousands of museums/ institutions/ scientists worldwide.

More precisely, the training will focus on:

  • Discovering data on portal
  • Downloading the data in CSV and Darwin Core format
  • Understanding Data Citation, Licenses and DOIs
  • Visualising Data with Spreadsheet, QGIS and R
  • Filtering the Data, understanding fitness-for-use
  • Ecological Niche Modelling with Maxent

This free workshop will be held in English.

Please use this registration form to mark your interest. Since this workshop is limited to 20 participants, candidates are asked to motivate their participation.

For more information please contact Andre Heughebaert:




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