For European collection-holding institutions, CETAF membership is the opportunity to be a part of a dynamic European community of over 77 institutions exchanging, sharing expertise and working together on taxonomy and systematic biology.
Full CETAF membership comes with a number of key advantages:
- Meet, share experiences and network with other similar institutions;
- Spark partnerships across Europe on taxonomy or collections-based issues;
- Access the information that matters to your work;
- Take part in CETAF’s European-wide initiatives and joint proposals;
- Make your voice heard as part of active CETAF working groups.
Meet, share experiences and network with other similar institutions: CETAF strengthens synergies among member institutions by providing the means to share knowledge, data, skills and training opportunities.
- CETAF members meet biannually, as well as via a series of active Working Groups to collaborate on key issues and topics. CETAF organises symposia and hosts high-profile events to showcase the community’s activities.
Spark partnerships across Europe on taxonomy or collections-based issues: our network brings researchers together to reflect on new initiatives and cooperation both within CETAF and with partners from across the field.
- CETAF members are allocated Member Passports, providing data and profiles for all member institutions thus creating the first European Natural History Institutions data repository.
Exchange information on the subjects that matter to your work
Our full members are regularly updated with the latest news and information on biological collections and associated issues. Our communication work also strengthens the voices of our members.
- The CETAF communication network has increased the impact of CETAF across Europe, especially within the European Commission. The CETAF exchange network shares news and information of direct relevance to CETAF member institutions.
Take part in CETAF’s European-wide initiatives and joint proposals: we coordinate joint actions to develop innovative research, tools and capabilities among our members.
- CETAF coordinates responses to calls for European projects, to show that our community is speaking with one voice, leading to the development of successful collaborative projects.
Make your voice heard as part of CETAF working groups: our Executive Committee and working groups are opportunities to raise the profile of your institution and make a bigger collective difference on your priority issues.
- The CETAF Strategy Group, in collaboration with the CETAF General Secretariat, represents the community at EC consultations on key topics and funding frameworks.
Ready to join our network?
Becoming a CETAF member is a simple process open to any non-profit association that manages collections; or consortium of non-profit associations that manage collections.
Full membership: this status ensures institutions and consortia benefit from all the advantages of the CETAF network, including voting in General Assemblies. The membership fee is determined according to the size of the organisation:
Very large organisation
€15,000 per year
Large organisation
€8,950 per year
Medium organisation
€3,050 per year
Small organisation
€ 1.500 per year
Associated membership: for institutions or consortia not yet in a position to ensure their financial contribution, or who are in the process of constituting a consortium, CETAF offers the possibility of becoming an Associated Member, for a maximum term of two years. Associated Members hold the same rights as Full Members, except for the right to vote in General Assemblies or be elected to governing bodies. The membership fee is fixed for each of the two years:
Associated Member: €1000 per year
Observer: free
For further details, please read the CETAF business model 2024-2027
Membership application process
- Fill in the Membership Application Form (applications are submitted to the CETAF General Secretariat)
- Once submitted, your application will be assessed by the CETAF Executive Committee.
- Following a positive assessment by the Executive Committee, recommendations for membership are submitted to the General Assembly for approval.
For any questions about the process, don't hesitate to contact the General Secretariat at
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If you are ready to apply, please use the Membership Form
Make a donation
Thank you for considering contributing to CETAF!
Your donations help to ensure our community can continue its essential role. To make a public or private donation please contact the General Secretariat for further information.