Outcomes of the COP16.2 in Rome
Governments agreed on resource mobilization mechanism and monitoring and reporting...
Governments agreed on resource mobilization mechanism and monitoring and reporting...
CETAF signed the roadmap which will give scientific research a boost in terms of k...
Learning from the past to understand the future: this is the PAST TO FUTURE projec...
After two years from its invention, the Multilateral Mechanism is ready to be oper...
Campaign For Nature mobilised many environmental organisations around a statement ...
Launch of first scientific journal portal marks expansion of hosted portals progra...
Open, constructive and transparent dialogue requires a discussion platform where s...
The 3-day event is hosted by RBINS
...The happening will be at RBINS on Friday the 20th of December
...The Green Deal is at stake, many policies were weakened or postponed. Over 2000 Sc...