A special individual course for Cyclopidae

The course will take place in Poland


Registration open for the new CETAF-DEST training course on Cyclopidae (Copepoda)



Cyclopidae is the most speciose [>1000 (sub)species], predominantly freshwater copepod family that invaded all continents and can be encountered in various surface and subterranean water bodies and semi-terrestrial habitats. Cyclopids are small (0.5–3.0 mm) crustaceans, and most of them are omnivorous. Some species are successfully applied in the biological control of the larvae of disease vector mosquitoes, e.g. dengue vector Aedes aegypti in Vietnam. Cyclopids are intermediate hosts of several nematode and cestode parasites. Cyclops and Mesocyclops are used as model organisms in various fields of biology (molecular ecology and genome evolution).

Dates of Implementation

One (1) training course with one trainee only, which can last from 5-10 days (depending on the availability of the trainee) during the period 3rd of October to 16th of December 2022. 

Registration deadline 

15 August 2022




Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, POLAND

More information in CETAF DEST website http://cetaf.org/dest/upcoming-courses

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