Go4 JOINT FINAL CONFERENCE: “Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World -Shaping new Horizons”
The Go4 projects – GREAT, Res-Agora, Responsibility, and ProGReSS – the projects funded in February 2013 under the FP7 SiS work programme 2011, will present the results of their work and research in a joint event that will take place in Brussels next year, on January 2016.
This is a Save the Date! announcement for all those interested in knowing more about the emerging concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), existing approaches, tools or mechanisms that facilitate the uptake of RRI across Europe and beyond.
The key themes that will be addressed during the conference are:
•How can Responsible Research and Innovation shape new horizons?
•RRI: From theory to practice
•RRI and Governance
•RRI and the current EU policy-landscape
•Implementing RRI
•Global voices: what is the international dimension of RRI?
•The evolution of RRI
•RRI case studies and success stories
•What are RRI priorities and how to address them?
•How can RRI be evaluated?
•RRI -the way forward
More and detailed information about the conference agenda, venue, guests and more will be published soon on the Progress project website.
The CETAF General Secretariat will attend this event. If you have any questions or remarks regarding our attendance, please do not hesitate to contact us : info@cetaf.org