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European Commission launches new video to promote citizen science
October 8, 2015The E.C. has made available online a video presenting the concept and challenges of citizen science (CS). Furthermore, the video interviews Tom Wakeford, Reader in Public Science and Citizen Engagement at Coventry University, UK and...
Traditional taxonomy bypassed with new genomic technologies to measure biodiversity faster!
October 8, 2015Professor Alfried Vogler and his team from the Natural History Museum of London (NHM UK) are attempting to speed up the sometimes too slow traditional taxonomic method for assessing the biodiversity of a site. Prof....
October 8, 2015CETAF, through several of its members and its General Secretariat, has been hard at work on submitting project RESPONSIF to the European Commission call H2020 for “Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible...
CEBioS (Belgium) and CETAF initiate collaboration
October 8, 2015Both organisations are active within the biodiversity sector and both organisations are hosted within the walls of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS). It was a no-brainer to institute dialogue and exchange of...
NMHN Paris has a new director
October 8, 2015Bruno David, new director of NMNH Paris It’s official since the beginning of September, Bruno David became the new Director of NMNH Paris, the french National Museum of natural History. Mr David’s scientific background has...
5 recommended books related to taxonomy for the summer
July 9, 2015Summer has always been the perfect time for reading. Here are in no particular order 5 books that CETAF recommends: Where Do Camels Belong by Ken Thompson What is a native species? Camels, which...