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CETAF at the Be.DiSSCo-FED networking event
December 16, 2024The happening will be at RBINS on Friday the 20th of December
CETAF backs open letter to policymakers asking environmentally friendly actions
December 13, 2024The Green Deal is at stake, many policies were weakened or postponed. Over 2000 Scientists and almost 30 Environmental organisations ask for more attention to the Environmental Crisis
CETAF and CEBioS seeking collaboration
December 12, 2024First comprehensive meeting between CEBioS and CETAF: Collaboration for Biodiversity Conservation
The CETAF Strategy 2025-2030
December 9, 2024Main outcome of CETAF56 is the CETAF Strategy for the next five years: know more about it reading the article.
CETAF contributes to JRC’s Comprehensive Scheme to Safeguard Pollinators
December 2, 2024Joint Research Centre introduced a Refined Proposal for an EU-wide pollinator monitoring scheme based on the outcomes of STING-2
CETAF56: A Historic Gathering of Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Directors to Unite for Biodiversity and Geodiversity Action
November 21, 2024“United to Act Against Biodiversity Decline and Geodiversity Degradation”