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Outcomes of the COP16.2 in Rome
March 6, 2025Governments agreed on resource mobilization mechanism and monitoring and reporting tools.
Meet the Libroscope: a new vision for ‘liberating’ data from biodiversity publications
March 4, 2025CETAF signed the roadmap which will give scientific research a boost in terms of knowledge sharing and access to data
Major project launched: improving climate models with historical data
March 3, 2025Learning from the past to understand the future: this is the PAST TO FUTURE project. CETAF is in thanks to the huge work of Earth Science Working Group
The Cali fund is on
February 25, 2025After two years from its invention, the Multilateral Mechanism is ready to be operative. The consensus was reached today in Rome
Resources or death – Everyone should be onboard to save biodiversity
February 13, 2025Campaign For Nature mobilised many environmental organisations around a statement to push the Ministers from every country to committ for resources in view of Rome
European Journal of Taxonomy launches GBIF-hosted portal
February 3, 2025Launch of first scientific journal portal marks expansion of hosted portals programme in
partnership with European Journal of Taxonomy, Plazi and GBIF.