We are delighted to be invited to be part of the first symposium on Paleo-bioinspiration (#PALBINS) organized in #Paris by The French Natural History Museum (MNHN) in collaboration with the French National Research Centre (CNRS).
Here’s Michelle Price‘s considerations:
“Bioinspiration from preserved organisms is a really exciting, emerging topic that links collections to discovery and innovation, based on the rich information that specimens hold on form and function, composition, structural mechanics, optics and aerodynamics. Findings based on the in-depth study of preserved organisms can inspire innovations and novel design ideas, often providing elegant and sustainable solutions to problems or challenges that we face under changing climatic conditions, in link with the use of the Earth’s resources or our ever-growing population. The conference provided an amazing opportunity for people to meet and discuss paleo-bioinspiration, to form a cohesive community and develop rich collaborations.”