Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing: Rights and duties in scientific research
The Swiss Academy of Sciences together with the Federal Office for the Environment...
The Swiss Academy of Sciences together with the Federal Office for the Environment...
The African Centre for DNA Barcoding, and the University of Johannesburg will be h...
Like war and disease, food security has been a dominant factor in human his...
The Royal Dutch and Belgian Zoological Societies will be hosting jointly the 23th ...
The European Commission is organising an Horizon 2020 Information Day to present t...
The 2nd International Netwrok for Government Science Advise Conference R...
The International Conferences on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) will take pl...
This year, the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (CTEC) and the Insti...
The conference covers scenarios and modelling applications in marine, fresh...
The European Ecosystems Services Conference 2016, taking place from 19 R...