Kew Green
TW9 3AB Richmond
Kew Green
TW9 3AB Richmond
Alan Paton
staff total | 490.0 |
scientific staff (permanent) | 200.0 |
scientific staff (non permanent) | 100.0 |
scientific staff post doc (non permanent) | 80.0 |
scientific staff collections (permanent) | 110.0 |
staff collection managers technicians (permanent) | 37.0 |
Kew has three strategic priorities in science:
Link of the Research page :
Link of the Annual report : Annual Report and accounts
Kew runs a M.Sc. Course on Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation with Queen Mary College, University of London see Kew acts in partnership with various universities and other scientific institutions to organise a number of plant diversity and conservation MSc courses. As well as providing taught modules, Kew also offers research opportunities for students on these courses, enabling them to work alongside Kew’s specialist staff and contribute to ongoing projects. see |
Yes, training course in various aspects of botany and mycology see |