
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Gothenburg University

Original name(s)

  • Institutionen för Biologi och Miljövetenskap, Göteborgs Universitet (sv - Swedish)
Institution Address

Medicinaregatan 18
40530 Göteborg

Topics of interests

  • Flora of Ecuador
  • Systematic research in Caryophyllaceae, Cyclanthaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae

Main areas of taxonomic expertise

  • Vascular Plants (Arecaceae, Basellaceae, Campanulaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyclanthaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Papaveraceae, Polygalaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae)
  • Fungi (Cantharelloid fungi, Inocybaceae)
  • Lichens
  • Red Algae, Green Algae (stoneworts)

Type of organisation

Institution Address

Medicinaregatan 18
40530 Göteborg

Director Representative

Claes Persson


Structure Chart

Governing & Executive bodies





Staff fields

staff total35.0
scientific staff (permanent)7.0
scientific staff post doc (non permanent)8.0
scientific staff collections (permanent)2.0
staff collection managers technicians (permanent)1.0
staff collection managers technicians (non permanent)1.0
staff administrative (permanent)10.0
staff administrative (non permanent)6.0

General Description

  • Fungal taxonomy and systematics

Phylogeny, systematics and species diversity of Inocybaceae in the Nordic countries
Diversity, host-specificity and ecological preferences in ectomycorrhizal fungi
Alpine mycology

  • Tropical Biodiversity and systematics

Systematic and Biodiversity

  • Biogeography & macroevolution of the tropics

We want to understand how biological diversity has evolved and how it will be affected by on-going climate change and habitat destruction. The scope of our studies range from specific organism groups in isolated regions in the Neotropics to global cross-taxonomic patterns.

We attempt to integrate data and methodologies from molecular phylogenetics, palaeobiology, biogeography, climatic modelling, bioinformatics and ecology. Our work has shed further light on the evolution of several taxa and biomes but a lot more remains to be done

  • Species delimitation & polyploidy 

The flowering plant group Sileneae (Caryophyllaceae) serve as model group for a taxonomic project which integrates taxonomic, phylogenetic, and molecular information. We combine several gene phylogenies in order to infer phylogenetic relationships and species delimitations at the taxic ("species") level. The phylogenies form the basis for the taxonomic decisions. By studying several, putatively unlinked genes in concert, we are able to detect reticulate phylogenetic patterns, for example ancient hybridizations at homoploid level or allopolyploidy. From the phylogenetic perspective, more general questions, such as the evolution of dioecy and gynodioecy, colonization of isolated island groups and the Arctic, as well as comparative studies of the evolution of reproductive characters and systems can be studied. Our long-term goal is a total taxonomic revision of all the ca. 750 species in Sileneae, and to continuously publish the results via the database. Initially, we choose groups where the above-mentioned general problems can be studied. Cases where reticulate phylogenies are suspected are given special attention.


Link of the Research page : Research Page

Link of the Annual report :

Research Fields

  • Anthropology / Physical anthropology (46.20.00)

Research Initiative

Activities and outreach with Universities


Activities and outreach with other public



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