
Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

Original name(s)
    Institution Address

    Albertov 6
    128 43 Praha 2

    Topics of interests

    • Systematic research, phylogeny, DNA barcoding
    • Collections, digitization

    Type of organisation

    Institution Address

    Albertov 6
    128 43 Praha 2

    Director Representative

    Patrik Mráz


    Structure Chart

    Governing & Executive bodies





    Staff fields

    staff_year of reference2016
    staff total93.0
    scientific staff (permanent)50.0
    scientific staff collections (permanent)4.0
    scientific staff collections (non permanent)4.0

    General Description

    Department of Botany

    The research is focused on taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny, evolution and ecology of selected groups of vascular (with special attention on polyploid complexes e.g. Alyssum, Arabidopsis, Cardamine, Galium, Hieracium, Oxalis and family Zingiberaceae) and non-vascular plants and fungi; algae (green microalgae, chrysomonades and diatoms), bryophytes (Hepaticae), lichenes and economically, ecologically and medically important groups of Ascomycetes.

    Link to Research page Department of Botany

    Department of Zoology

    The reserach is focused on world-wide phylogeny and evolution (based on extant as well as fossil taxa) of selected groups of invertebrates - Hymenoptera (particularly of bees – Apoidea (evolution of cleptoparasitic behavior) and parasitic wasps of superfamily Chalcidoidea (evolution of parasitism)), Coleoptera (particularly of Scarabaeoidea, Hydrophiloidea), bed bug (Cimex spp. – Heteroptera), Pseudoscopionida and anaerobic protoists, as well as vertebrates - fish (Cichlididae) and bats (Chiroptera). We also study phylogeography and taxonomy of selected species in a specific regions (Mediterranean region – phylogeography of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea), Lethrus spp., Oxythyrea spp., Protaetia spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) and Helix spp. (Gastropoda); Zealandia region – phylogeography of water and leaf-litter Hydrophiloidea) as well as world-wide taxonomy of various insect groups (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea, Scarabaeoidea; Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, especially Mymaridae and Torymidae, Apoidea and Heteroptera).

    Link to: Research page Department of Zoology

    Institute of Geology and Palaentology

    The research of the palaeontological (palaeozological and palaeobotanical) division is focused on taxonomy, phylogeny, comparative anatomy and osteology, palaeoecology of various taxonomic groups (vascular plants, sponges, graptolites, cephalophodes, vertebrates).

    Link to: Research page

    Research Fields

    • Anthropology / Physical anthropology (46.20.00)

    Research Initiative

    Activities and outreach with Universities

    Our institution is University – principally educational isntitution


    Activities and outreach with other public



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