The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) houses a precious collection of zoological, anthropological, paleontological, mineralogical and geological materials and data. The renowned Iguanodons from Bernissart, ambassadors of the Belgian science institute in Brussels, represent a natural history collection currently estimated to hold 38 million specimens. Data presented here are largely coming from the DaRWIN database, the collection management tool of the RBINS. The corner stone of the DaRWIN database is the specimen and the information about its origin and status. Although the status of the specimens follow the current regulations of the International Code on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), other status specifications not treated by the ICZN regulations (e.g. topotype) have been maintained as supplementary information about the specimen(s) in question. Worldwide. Wide range of various invertebrate and vertebrate taxa
(Source : GBIF / GrSciColl)
BE - Belgium
BE - Belgium
MrMichel Van Camp