The Natural Sciences Museums we represent, and the entire taxonomic community behind, are happy with the vote made by the European Parliament that approved the Nature Restoration Law. This revised position clearly shows that the urgent call for action from the scientific community and civil society has not been ignored by the policymakers or silenced by political calculations. We have been dangerously close to rejecting such an important bill that now fortunately is moving forward to the Trilogue. This is already a great success for all the actors that, like us, are deeply committed towards Nature preservation and put efforts to actively fighting against biodiversity loss and climate change impact on our lives and the future of our planet. We hope that changes to the original proposal do not affect the spirit and the core of this important framework for preserving and restoring life on Earth. We now call our representatives to enter the negotiation phase with the clear goal of approving the Nature Restoration Law before the end of the Legislation and without further reducing its ambition.

The Nature Restoration Law moves to the Trilogue!
In a very tight vote, the proposal made by the Commission survives the various ame...