Within our global community, CETAF represents a strong voice for taxonomic sciences and biological collections as a key part of the work to address broader environmental and societal challenges our planet faces.
To achieve this, CETAF works closely with a broad range of international organisations, associations and networks that share our mission and values. They are diverse in profile, from global movements to European member associations. They also vary in focus, including research on taxonomy and biodiversity, the protection of ecosystems and broader societal challenges. As partners, we enrich each other by enabling the flow of scientific information. Our complementarity means we can fill in existing gaps such as training, educational, managerial and policy issues.
Our formal partnerships
CETAF has established memoranda of understanding, partnership or membership agreements with a number of European and international initiatives:
- IUBS International Union of Biological Sciences - Scientific Member
- SPNHC Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
- BHL Biodiversity Heritage Library
- ABS Consultation Forum of the EC Consultation Forum on Access and Benefit Sharing - Member
- BGCI Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- ECSA European Citizen Science Association - Membership
- EU BON European Biodiversity Observation Network
- GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- SPECIES2000 Species 2000
Our broader cooperation
CETAF and our member institutions are key partners and contributors to a number of European and international platforms, networks, or initiatives:
The latest news
CETAF at the Be.DiSSCo-FED networking event
The happening will be at RBINS on Friday the 20th of December
...CETAF backs open letter to policymakers asking environmentally friendly actions
The Green Deal is at stake, many policies were weakened or postponed. Over 2000 Sc...
CETAF and CEBioS seeking collaboration
First comprehensive meeting between CEBioS and CETAF: Collaboration for Biodiversi...