Our global community

Partnerships & Collaborations

Below you can see a range of different organisations that form part of our community.

These include like-minded organisations, global networks of Natural History and Natural Science Museums, Botanical Gardens, and research centres as well as international organisations with an interest in research on taxonomy and biodiversity, the protection of species and ecosystems, the sustainable use of biological resources, or tackling broader environmental issues and societal challenges.  We complement and enrich each other by enabling the flow of scientific information, and fill in existing gaps, including on training, educational, managerial and policy issues. CETAF is part of this global community with the aim of using scientific knowledge to enhance the benefits of science for humankind.

CETAF Partnerships

CETAF has signed a MoU, has a partnership agreement with or is member of a number of European and International initiatives.

CETAF Collaborations

CETAF and/or its member institutions are key partners or contributors to a number of European and International platforms, networks or initiatives.

BioNET Global Network for Taxonomy

CoL Catalogue of Life

EOL Encyclopedia of Life

LIFEWATCH European e-Science infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research

SCICOLL Science Collections International

TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards

Relevant organisations and initiatives

European Organisations

BIOSYST Federation of European Biological Systematic Societies

ENBI European Network for Biodiversity Information

EBGC European Botanic Gardens Consortium

International Organisations

BirdLife BirdLife International

CI Conservation International

IPBES Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPEN International Plant Exchange Network

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

NSCA Natural Science Collections Alliance

SMEBD Society for the Management of Electronic Biodiversity Data

SPNHC Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections

European and International Initiatives

AToL Assembling the Tree of Life

EUROPEANA Think Culture 

FAUNA EUROPAEA Fauna Europaea (Fauna Europaea)

ITIS Integrated Taxonomic Information System

Information Sources

CBD Convention on Biological Diversity

CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

EC European Commission

EP European Parliament

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

UN United Nations

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

WB World Bank

WWF Worldwide Fund for Nature International

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